Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Four weeks!

I cannot believe that Mather is now four weeks old! The time has flown by.

Mather has grown a lot. She was born weighing 7 lbs, 2 oz. - yesterday she tipped the scales at 7 lbs., 15 oz. She has also grown an inch and a half taller.

Mather is beginning to mimic the funny faces that we make at her and she listens attentively when we read to her. She also seems to be smiling with intention (not just on accident!).

I thought I'd share my favorite pictures, one for each week, to celebrate.

Happy Birth Day!

Snuggled up for one of her first outings.

Fussing with Papasan.

Thanksgiving milk-coma with Momily.

Happy girl today!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dad Pretends to be Mom

So thanks to the miracle of the "breast pump", I can feed Mather her mother's milk even when her mother isn't in the room! For me, it's a very fun bonding moment.

Monday, November 20, 2006

There's a womb in the room!

We have re-gained the use of our hands with our recent acquisition of a Moby Wrap! It takes a lot of work to soothe a fussing baby. The rocking, swinging and bouncing can take its toll on your arms. Now all we do is tuck Mather into the Moby Wrap, walk around the room a bit, and she quiets right down. Mather seems to really enjoy snuggling close to us just like her many months in the womb.

Mom can do it...

Dad can do it...

Grandma can do it, too!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mather's first playdate

Mather met her first friend today when everyone's favorite lil' chimp, Isabel, came over (along with her parents Kristen and Jerrold).

Isabel seemed pretty amused to see a smaller human for the first time in her life. At four months old, she's about twice Mather's weight.

Bath Time!

Now that Mather's umbilical cord stump has cleanly fallen off, we can give her a proper bath*. Into the kitchen sink with her!

*Please note: baby not thrown out with bathwater.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

November 16

On November 16, 1996 Emily and I first kissed. We have been together ever since.

On November 16, 2001 I proposed to Emily and she accepted.

On November 16, 2002 we were wed.

Today, November 16, 2006 we've been together for ten years, and parents for 16 days. Our baby is just a reflection of our love and commitment made visible.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

All is right in the world

After 9+ months without my favorite food, we finally had the opportunity to indulge! Grandparents Julie and David brought us a beautiful sushi tray on Friday night to celebrate.

Mather settles in for a marathon feeding while Momily digs into the sushi feast!

With mom and babe satisfied, all is right in the world!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Visitors! Pt. 4

Our friends Sarah and Jim came by the other night to introduce themselves to our daughter. Sarah is a great cook, and they came heavily laden with ratatouille, roast chicken, and apple cake. Not only did they feed us, they also did the dishes! What great friends.

Sarah regaled us with stories of her home-made cheese experiments and cheese-making internships in England. You can check out her stories at The Cheese Chronicles.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Down in the Mission

We managed to get out the door and visit Mather's piece of public art in the heart of the Mission, an alley just around the corner from Mission & 16th. Thanks Uncle Freedom!

The Mini-Em?

A lot of talk in the Comments about how much Emily and Mather resemble each other. What do you think?

Monkey and Mather

So I'm sure a lot of people were wondering what Monkey would think of the newest member of our household. For those who haven't met her, Monkey is our mercurial calico, a little sweet and a little sour.

While of course we remain viligant when the two are close, so far the verdict is pretty good. Monkey has shown a little curiousity, sniffing a bit around Mather, but otherwise she steers clear. Her main jealousy centered around Mather's comfy sleeping basket -- it's clear she wanted one. So we put a nice little basket of her own out on the floor, in a sunny spot, and you can see the result in the picture.

Tonight, as we watched a movie, Mather took a nap on Emily's chest while Monkey took a nap on mine. A comfortable family.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Uncle Freedom's Gift

All I can say is wow. Chris Pape is a world-known grafitti artist with an important legacy in Manhattan. Now he's left a tribute to Mather in San Francisco*. How many kids have something like this?

*Yes, he knows the building owner.

Whooo Me?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Homecoming Queen

On Monday, November 6th we finally came home from the hospital with Mather. The following is a series of photos from the day...Uncle Freedom shot a video of the trip home, but Mather chose to cry for most of the trip, so I've opted for this non-audible presentation of the day.

Mather gets her own clothes for the first time.

It's a good idea to check the diaper before traveling.

Is that foot ticklish?

Momma approves the new outfit.

It takes three hands to get her in the carseat.

Ready to go!

The Homecoming Queen herself.

Coming up the stairs!

Hanging out on the couch.

It didn't take long for Mather to get comfy.

A good sleep after a long day.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Time to Vote

A six-day old child in hand is no reason to miss election day -- we made it down to our polling station in our first full day home from the hospital! Unfortunately, Ahnuld was reelected, but a lot of the other ballot propositions went the way we hoped. More importantly, the Democrats have retaken the House, restoring a measure of balance to our federal government.

Mather is upset we still have the Governator.

With Mather's November 1st birthday she'll first be eligible to vote on November 5, 2024 -- which just happens to be a Presidential Election year.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Visitors! Pt. 3

Chris Clavey, and his wife, Dr. Katie Brown, were in the City today for Chris's singing gig at the Canvas and dropped by afterwards to meet Mather.

I'd love to say that Chris lulled Mather into a blissful sleep with his expressive voice (seriously; go listen), but the real deal was Katie's skills rocking Mather in her arms, a skill well-honed by being a seven-time Aunt.

For Mather's part, she used all her wiles in her quest to inspire all of our married friends to have kids of their own...

Aunt Elsa and Uncle Freedom

Elsa and Chris (along wth his rapier-like wit) flew in from New York to visit with Mather for a week!

Visitors! Pt. 2

Auntastasia came by!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

She has hair! Pt. 2

So as our loyal readers already know, we found out from an ultrasound in August that Mather would probably be born with hair. And we had further confirmation when, during labor, our nurse Kim was checking Emily's dilation and said she could actually feel the hair on Mather's head.

But even with those expectations, I'm still shocked by just how much she has!

As for the "What hair color will Mather be born with?" question, someone should have answered "exactly the same as Emily's".

Mama gets internet access in bed!

Howdy folks, Momily's finally signing on to share the excitement of motherhood with you all.

Papasan gave you the lowdown on the big event. I'll share some of my favorite moments (so far) with you...

I am so incredibly impressed with my body's ability to labor. Induction aside, my body knew exactly what to do and how to do it. I am glad to have had the opportunity to fully dilate and begin the pushing stage of labor. I can also appreciate that medical intervention was necessary in order to keep Mather safe and I am grateful for the hospital staff for taking such good care of us.

Meeting Mather for the first time was incredible. She is so beautiful and absolutely perfect in every way. We are getting to know each other better as the days go by. Today's big development has been some incredible breastfeeding. Mather is getting some great meals. While breastfeeding is very natural and instinctual, it takes some work to do it well. Our collective frustration is beginning to subside as our comfort levels increase. Even if we fail to successfully feed, the skin-to-skin contact is such valuable bonding time. I could snuggle with my baby all day long!

It is also quite amazing to watch Daniel's transformation into the fearless Papasan! He is an expert diaper changer, burper, swaddler, lullaby deliverer and a wonderful husband. The care he is taking with both me and Mather affirms everything I already knew about him... he is the most loving and caring person I know. I am so glad to have embarked on the journey of parenthood with him.

I'm starting to get my strength back. It is a careful balance between focusing on my recovery and focusing on Mather's needs. Each day brings me improved mobility and increased comfort. Looking forward to heading home and settling in.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Resting and Recovering

So a little bit more about Mather's birthday...

While Mather is perfect and healthy and beautiful, getting her out proved to be a little tricky. Not everything went according to plan.

We checked into the hospital early in the morning and got settled into her room. Emily was started on a dosage of pitocin, the synthetized equavilant of oxytocin, the body's natural labor inducing hormone.

Everything stayed calm through the most of the morning. It was a little difficult to break her water, so the contractions didn't really intensify. I read aloud to Emily -- the final tale in the sad, sad adventures of the Baudelaire Orphans -- and we had a pleasant time.

It was after Emily's water was broken around 12:30 that the action started to intensify. Em did great, making it through the waves of contractions without narcotics, using movement, moaning, and focus to endure the pain. By mid-afternoon, Emily was dilated to six centimeters (that's the diameter opening of the cervix) and completely effaced. We thought things we going great.

But after that the contractions greatly intensified. Within an hour, Emily finished dilating all the way to 10 cm, but because things happened so quickly, Mather hadn't dropped low enough in Em's uterus for her to start pushing. With each powerful contraction Mather's heartrate was dropping.

The nurses and doctors tried to move Mather lower, switching Emily's positions around, supplying her with oxygen, and introducing drugs that would slow the contractions. But with the baby's heartrate still slow we didn't have much choice. Emily was taken to the operating room for an emergency c-section.

The c-section went quickly. It was only a few minutes later that a nurse wheeled Mather out into the hall where I was waiting!

They got her into the nursery and once I got my identifying wristband, I was able to walk in and pick her up for the very first time. The grandparents also stood by and got to see Mather wriggle in the crib and get her first bath!

She was cute and healthy and her heartbeat was just fine. They just needed to pull her out of the contracting uterus so she could breathe for herself! Mather is not expected to have any lingering issues from the labor difficulties -- in fact, she scored very highly on both her initial and secondary APGAR scores (an 8 and a 9!), a simple but important test of her reflexes, heartrate and appearance. That was a big relief.

The second big relief was knowing that Emily was well. Shortly after Mather was taken to the nursery, Em was wheeled into the Intensive Recovery Unit for moms. I was able to visit her and hold her hand while she calmed down from the effects of the general anasthesia. Once Emily felt ready, I collected Mather from the nursery and brought her to her mom.

The picture at right is the first time Emily and Mather looked into each other's eyes, though they've known each other intimately for nine months. You can see the oxygen and other equipment still hooked up to Em, but she was awake, alert, and excited to finally hold her daughter. It was a special moment.

Since then, Emily's strength has returned bit by bit, day by day. Emily can now, gingerly at least, get herself out of bed and walk around. She's already on minimal pain medication and she's had plenty of time to bond with Mather -- they like to nap together, Mather nestled into the crook of Emily's arm.

After a c-section, the hospital keeps you for four days instead of two. We were assigned a private recovery room (with a nice view!), and we all three are living here together. I have a little cot, and I've kept busy by changing diapers and swaddling Mather for sleeping on a regular basis. We'll probably be discharged Sunday.

In the meantime, we'll be getting plenty of rest, mother and daughter are getting regular medical care, and family and friends have been coming by to keep us company.

We'll rest and recover, and soon be able to introduce Mather to the wider world.


Despite the abject failure of the Belizean heat to spark labor, we still let Bob hold the baby when Bob and Tina visited last night.

Mather tried to apply her best peer pressure to convince Bob and Tina to make her a playmate.

I suppose we won't know for a little while if it worked!