Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Papasan!

Sorry we've been so absent from our blog, but moving has taken its toll on our technology and energy. We promise to get back on track soon. In the meantime...

Happy 31st to Mather's Dad!

We are celebrating this evening with dinner at Chez Panisse, and we celebrated last night and this morning with homemade apple pie. There will be a bigger family dinner on Wednesday night, and another pie!

In Mather news, she is talking up a storm. Some compound words are developing and you can almost have a conversation with her. In Nana and Grandfather's big house, she is also developing a fondness for hide and seek. She hides behind something and then pops-out with a giant grin and a giggle... too cute! She's an expert in naming body parts and often works on her self-dressing and undressing skills (much to Daddy's dismay when she insists on taking her pants off at the library). She will diaper any stuffed animal that she finds and she loves to learn new animal noises - her favorites are lion, dog, cat, monkey, and owl. As of last weekend, she's now up to 12 teeth (four in the front on top and bottom, and one molar in each quadrant), she can really chow-down!

We are nearly ready to put our condo on the market. I've had wonderful troops of friends volunteer their time and muscle to getting us packed and moved. Just a couple more things to clean up and we'll be good to go!

To tide you over until next time, here is a very serious picture of a very serious kid who was once the baby known as Mattie Magoo but is now the little girl known as Mather Elise...