Sunday, January 28, 2007

Playing on the mat

Yesterday, Mather was playing on her mat and was able to lift her head up and look around the room from her tummy. She even almost turned herself over onto her back. We thought it was pretty cool!

The dangling toy Mather is staring at below has a mirror in it. Guess she's pretty vain...


Anonymous said...

Love her facial expressions. That first one looks like she's thinking, "The camera, again? Sheesh, people!" My cat gives me the same look...

Crap. I'm already turning into a cat lady! LOL.

Anonymous said...

wow ... she looks totally different in that picture. older. it's funny how those changes come in day increments.

teacherp said...

Watch out, she'll be walking soon.

Emily said...

she looks so engaged. amazing. it's like gradually watching someone become more and more of a person.