Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Mather has a new game

Meal time -- be it breakfast, lunch or dinner -- is easily Mather's favorite time of the day. She loves finger food, from berries and vegetables to cheerios and rice puffs, as well as our various concoctions from le petit appetit, our bible of baby recipes. She has found a new, and decidely odd, way to express her joy.

It all started when I noticed her leaning over. She often leans while she eats -- I suppose she just likes to be comfortable -- but she seemed to have an odd little tilt. She caught me looking at her and suddenly dipped her head all the way to her left, smiled, and laughed. I laughed out loud, and she was even more amused. After she had righted herself, I dipped my head to my shoulder. To both of our amusement, she mimicked me mimicking her.

Now it's a mealtime game (and occasionally we do it outside of meal time). Sometimes Mather leads it, sometimes one of us does. She'll also do it for the parent not feeding her -- I can do it from across the room while Emily is feeding her dinner, and she'll still dip her head. It always brings a smile and a laugh.


Anonymous said...

....and a smile and a laugh for me, too! What a heart-opener that little Mather!

Anonymous said...

you notice she's a left-leaner! might have known...