Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who's that girl? Pt. 2

She also goes down the slide like a big girl now...




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Who's that girl?

Kelly and Elsa's comments on the last post certainly got me thinking about how Mather has rapidly gone from a baby to a little girl. I think these photos make it pretty clear we're dealing with a different critter these days. Standing, walking,'s a whole new world.




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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

17th Lunaversary

Mather is 17 months old today! She's doing great. Talking up a storm, adding new words everyday. Today she said, "goodnight" as we were tucking her into bed, so sweet. She also helped me read Pat-a-Cake, "pat it" and "B" are her lines. We recently pulled her 18 month clothes out from storage so she's sporting a new wardrobe that's very cute, of course.

I'm slogging through another tax season and Papasan is gearing up for final papers in his spring semester. We're also looking towards an impending move, we gotta get more space! More details on that soon. For now, enjoy the beautiful and silly sides of Miss Magoo...

Could her eyes be any more blue?

Caught in the act!
(thanks to Eva for the hand-me-down cowgirl hat)