Tuesday, April 01, 2008

17th Lunaversary

Mather is 17 months old today! She's doing great. Talking up a storm, adding new words everyday. Today she said, "goodnight" as we were tucking her into bed, so sweet. She also helped me read Pat-a-Cake, "pat it" and "B" are her lines. We recently pulled her 18 month clothes out from storage so she's sporting a new wardrobe that's very cute, of course.

I'm slogging through another tax season and Papasan is gearing up for final papers in his spring semester. We're also looking towards an impending move, we gotta get more space! More details on that soon. For now, enjoy the beautiful and silly sides of Miss Magoo...

Could her eyes be any more blue?

Caught in the act!
(thanks to Eva for the hand-me-down cowgirl hat)


Anonymous said...

The cowgirl hat picture looks exactly like Emily!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does. I think I even have a picture of Em in a blue cowgirl hat at about that age. I'm coming to see you in a few days - I can hardly wait.

Kelly said...

Holy moly!!!! Dang, those ARE some blue eyes. Wow. And she does look a lot like Emily, doesn't she?

Meng said...

Haha! That caught in the act... caught in the act of rehearsing Annie Get Your Gun! Too cute.

Momily said...

Anything you can do, I can do better.
I can do anything better than you.