Monday, March 16, 2009

Frère Jacques

Forgive me my poor singing. Not to mention my French.

Run time- 0:41.


Anonymous said...

That is just adorable! The child has grown up so quickly!

nanna said...

Dan! you're getting better and better!

Anonymous said...


Sara Ransom said...

I just left a similar comment on Facebook -- but may I repeat myself here: Now continues a beloved Father-Daughter Ransom Tradition of singing together! Dad and I washed dishes whilst singing rounds from many traditions and levels of challenge; ballads, whatever, foreign languages, harmonies... Made dishwasing fun, which is an attitude I carry to this day... sing and it's fun. Same with long car rides -- all wreathed in song. (NOTE: we had only AM radios in those distant days, useless for long-distance)

Jenny Grace said...

Your singing beats mine. I won't even put up the videos where you can here me.

VERY cute.