Monday, November 02, 2009


The Purple Princess began her trick-or-treating journey at Nanna's house...

Then we trekked over to Belvedere Street for the main festivities...

Papasan even dressed up as a Buccaneer to accompany the Purple Princess on her door-to-door adventures...

She means serious business with those TWO goodie bags...

She snacked the whole way...

And ended the night a happy girl with candy-stained teeth...


auntie elsa said...

she sure looks like she had a lot of fun. is belvedere as cool a spot for trick-or-treating as it was when we were growing up?

Papasan said...

It's a much more formal event now, with the street blocked off and people coming from miles and miles around. Everybody on the street goes all out, with tons of decorations and staging, so it's cool, but it's waaaaaay to crowded and a bit intimidating for a little kid. I'm starting to wonder if we should go somewhere else next year.

Tonya Manning said...

She is so cute! Love her costume.