Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Practice Makes Perfect!

Mather and I have been quite busy getting ready for the big day.

According to Monday's ultrasound, Mather is now practicing breathing. However, with an extended bout of hiccups last night, I say she could use a bit more practice. She also had amniotic fluid in her belly and in her bladder... she's starting to put her systems to the test!

As if that's not enough activity for her, she now has to contend with my practice contractions (a.k.a. Braxton-Hicks Contractions). Unlike the real-deal, these contractions are just a sporadic painless tightening of the uterine muscles which don't actually dilate the cervix. Basically, I feel the top of my belly get hard and tight, she wiggles around a bit, and then it's over.

We've got about 5 more weeks to finish our training, then we'll both be put to the test!


Anonymous said...

Ho-ho! so very exciting. And I'm learning things about pregnancy I had never known -- with Mather practicing breathing, and hiccuping; and your body practicing birthing. Thank you. I'll be in Mexico when Mather and you put practice into action, but hey, I still have the www, and I am glad to stay in touch that way. All my love to the three of you.

Anonymous said...

what does a baby hiccup feel like?

Momily said...

Hiccups are like a small rhythmic poking - almost like a clock ticking. It is not nearly as strong as a kick, punch or roll. You'd be hard pressed to feel them from the outside.

Anonymous said...

I was so delighted to be present for Mather's little performance on Monday...what a thrill to inspect her organs during the ultrasound. It all seemed so much more real...her heartbeat sounds like a racehorse on turf and now she is turning the bend for the home stretch. And the winners are Momily and Papasan. Yay!

Anonymous said...

How very exciting! I'm so glad this has all gone so smoothly for you.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you two to know that I have now found the blog. I am very excited for both of you and I am glad that things are going well.