News from the world of Mather....
Mather is an expert blueberry picker. We are introducing more finger foods into Mather's diet. It is so fun to watch her try something for the first time. Blueberries and grapes are definitely a hit!
Who wants to ride shotgun?
Ah, the wonders found inside mommy's purse. The keys take the prize for best new toy.
Look ma, no hands! Mather is building her standing skills while using the crib rail for support (or not!). Kudos to daddy for the girly dress-up day, I had nothing to do with it. Mather is also sporting some new shoes (thanks to GrandMather's ebay shopping spree), these are lavender with cute snails on them.
Mather is discovering that diaper bags are full of fun stuff.
Check out the incline push-up position. Mather often ends up in very athletic, yoga-like postures as she combines her love for sitting, crawling and standing simultaneously.
Standing up tall with Dad's help.
It is adorable to see someone so small standing up so tall. Check out that smile too!
I want them all!
Mather is still enjoying
swimming class (this Friday is our last one for the session), she loves playing with the brightly colored balls. I think she's trying to grab five at once in this picture.
Savage! Oh the joy of raw, bloody meat! Just kidding... they're raspberries, of course. This was part of tonight's dinner. And when it was all over, she was a mess...
Check out my messy face, and my big ol' tooth!
Yep! There it is, in all it's toothy glory. Standing solo for now. We thought both of the bottom front teeth were coming in together, I guess not.
You mean I don't get to stew in raspberry juice overnight?
Big girls take baths in the big tub and play with duckies! Mather has officially graduated from the
kitchen sink spa. She'll be ready for a mud bath, massage and facial in
Calistoga soon enough.
Mather is also on her way to graduating from breastfeeding. Frankly, that new tooth scares me and she's not always polite when she's hungry. I also hate pumping milk. The bigger picture is that Mather is loosing patience with breastfeeding. It's a lot more work than taking a bottle. She's also eating a lot more solid food these days (you should see how we have to shovel it in to keep her satiated!). She had her first bottle of formula on Sunday night... she liked it! I still breastfeed in the morning, and I've been pumping milk once a day at work. This week, she's had two bottles of formula each day, and two bottles of pumped milk. I'll see if she'll take milk "straight from the tap" while I'm home over the weekend. If not, it's no big deal - if she wants to wean herself, I'm o.k. with that.