Monday, August 20, 2007

Stats and Silliness

Mather had her 9 month check-up at the doctor on Friday. She's doing great.

15 lbs. 4 ounces
26" tall (2' 2"!!)

And, in case you wanted to knit her a hat, her head circumference is 43cm (about 17 inches). I am actually trying to learn to knit! Hats and sweaters are on the way... slowly.

In the meantime, take a look at all the silly shirts that Mather has in her wardrobe:

"Mysterio predicts I will be a donut tycoon"

"Mysterio predicts I will be a criminal mastermind"

A little St. Patrick's Day cheer.
Do we really need a reason to kiss her?

We've got the copyright for this cutie!

Dirty Dancing flashback, anyone?

Maybe next time around we can elect a president smarter than a baby.

And from the girl who is weaning herself...

"hand over the tit and nobody gets hurt"

Is she threatening me with that tooth? Check out the shorts! It was actually really hot (upper 70's) in San Francisco this past weekend. Daniel refers to them as "hot pink hot pants"... too true, too true.

How many more ways can we humiliate her before she can fight back??


Anonymous said...

my favorite is the copyright 2006 one

Anonymous said...

Nobody puts baby in the corner!!! But the best is her expression in the "hand it over" shirt!

Great way to start my day. Love it.
Faux Aunt C

Owen said...

You did let her rock the mullet for the while. That is pretty humiliating. In fact, I think it might be borderline child abuse.

; )

Anonymous said...

two feet two,eyes of blue, and oh what those blue eyes can do! and look at all the new hairs!