Monday, October 01, 2007

Eleventh Lunaversary

Mather has made it to eleven months today. Thirty-one day countdown to her first birthday! In the meantime, please enjoy our latest movie, Stand!!!.

Run time - 3:09


Anonymous said...

This is the best!!! Great editing job Papasan - great footwork Mattie McG - love the side kicks. This truly made me laugh, especially since I just saw her in action. She is determined when she gets going. Bravo!

Momily said...

I have to take credit for the editing on this beauty. Although Papasan helped nail down the song choice.

Anonymous said...

Apologies - great editing-great song choice. I can't stop laughing at the movements. What's up with those side shuffles and kicks? It is so-o-o-o-o cute.

Papasan said...

Momily calls it Mather dancing her jig.

Owen said...

Definitely the best video yet.

Anonymous said...

Too cute. She's really getting moving now!

Anonymous said...

this may be the best yet...what a hoot! we won't be laughing quite so much after she learns she doesn't really need to hold on to anything anymore. watch out for Mather!

Sylvia said...

hi dan and emily and mather
what a cutie pie! she is really zipping around - we need to get these kids together again soon!

Aiko had her 10 month bday today!