Friday, November 09, 2007

Mather's First Word!

Mather has flirted with saying "Dadda" and "Momma" but she never really means it. Much to our chagrin, neither of us got to be her true, identifiable, consistent first word.

Click here to find out what it is!

Someday she'll figure out it starts with "C" instead of "G".


Anonymous said...

Brief background: those in the Ransom family know I go by manymany names -- Savi to the SanFran folk. However, my husband calls me: Cat. How Mather has intuited this, why she has chosen to speak MY name before speaking Mama and Dada is a mystery, but quite the honor!

Lina Reznikov said...

Maybe your child is actually Spanish-speaking and is trying to say "gato"?

Emily said...

oh, that is hysterical. the word, the photo. it now the time to make a really poor joke about M always making a big impression?
but how exciting, "mama" and "dada" can't be far behind

Anonymous said...

Mather is actually a precocious tyro financier; standing on the shoulders of her mother. Perhaps the air around Mt. Washington when you two rode the cog railway near Bretton Woods had a salubrious effect. See:
We should consult Mather where the once almighty dollar will be in her maturity: perhaps amongst the farthings, ha'pennies, pfennigs, kopeks, lira of life. Invest $1000 now for her future, so she can afford a nice cocktail at a decent bar in 2027. Would that I had the stamina, thirst, and memory to join her for that celebration. Cheers!

Owen said...

That was my first word.