Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy Birthday, Momily!

On Sunday morning, I heard the following conversation on the baby monitor, as Em had gone to get Mather out of her crib:

Magoo: "I want get up!"
Momily: "Okay, good morning!"
rustling sounds
Momily: "Did you know it's my birthday today, Mather?"
Magoo: "No. It's MY birthday!"
Momily: "Your birthday was last month. Today is my birthday..."
Magoo: "It's MY birthday TOO!"
Momily: "Alright, then, how old are you today?"
Magoo: "Three!"

It was in fact, Emily's birthday. And Mather will have to wait until November to be three. On Sunday, we gathered at the Ransom House on Downey and my mom put together a thanksgiving-esque feast of turkey, cranberries and stuffing. Elsa, Uncle Freedom and Cora were still in town so Em got to hold an armload of babies!

After dinner, we sang the customary song (which Mather was mildly surprised was not intended for her) and Emily opened some gifts. But the birthday celebration has not yet ended -- today friends Anastasia and Adina are taking Emily out for a morning at the spa!

Cora's already convinced only-childdom is the way to go.

Mather helped whip the cream for the pecan pie.


Sara Ransom said...

Wow. I think what impresses me most -- after realizing how well Mather can talk now (I have yet to actually BE with her) -- is that when Momily asked how old she was, this little 2-year-old blurted out "Three!"

Anonymous said...

Cora would love to have a big sister! But she'll have to settle for being a big sister. Someday.

Anonymous said...

Nanna and Grandfava (the big bean!) had the best time with both grandkids over the holiday -- we're so lucky to get to have had both of them this year.
Happy New Year to all.

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day Em & Mather.