Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wii Play Games on Christmas

My dad and Chris take to the lanes...

Taking a break from the usual Mathery goodness, I just wanted to post some photos to prove that my parents took part in - gasp! - playing a video game. This was the first time in their lives. They gave me a Nintendo Wii for Christmas, the revolutionary game console system predicated on movements over button-mashing. The Wii comes with a game disc with miniature versions of various sports, including golf, bowling and tennis. The game controllers, called "wiimotes", are motion sensitive and you hold them in your hand and move as if you were playing the real sport - swinging a tennis racket or a golf club, throwing a bowling ball, etc.

...and the court.

My father has spent his life as an intensely competitive person, and it didn't take long for that intense look to come across his face as he found one more avenue with which to best his children. And best us he did, at least in the bowling (my brother-in-law posted the best score, but dad beat both Elsa and me). He also scored a couple wins over me in tennis (though I've come back strong). My mother was even induced to pick up a controller long enough to channel her father through three holes of golf. She even admitted to liking it afterward.

Mom lining up her shot.


Momily said...

Some Wii players have occasionally experienced a form of tennis elbow referred to as "Wiiitis"... or is that the term for being addicted to your Wii?

Sara Ransom said...

Wii gwoan at wowdy puns -- even fwom this wemote wocation: "wiimote" weally wubs us waw!

but wii be enwiious 2. wun day wii pway 2, huh!

Sara Stasi said...

OMG -- I have an eerily similar series of photos from when we took our Wii (Christmas present to selves) down to visit my brothers and parents. Also, I think "Wiiitis" is closely related to "Guitaritis" which is an affliction resulting from too much Guitar Hero.

Sara Stasi said...

Oh, yeah, and everyone loved it and totally wants one. Wii will begin the revolution now! (I had to pun, just had to...)