Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Taking another look at the horoscopes...

Here is Mather's horoscope and my horoscope for today from the San Francisco Chronicle:

SCORPIO (October 23-November 20): This is probably one of the most important days of the year for you, but don’t be deceived. Seemingly “trivial” events hold great future significance.

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 18): Your love life undergoes an extraordinary change. One kiss is all it takes to transform the two of you into lifelong sweethearts.

Does that sound like a birthday to you?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it to me, but there's not that much day left...she'd better hurry up!

Momily said...

Well, maybe the horoscope isn't time zone specific. I think the latest time zone is three hours behind us... so that gives her 9 hours!

Anonymous said...

Here's Yahoo's Horoscopes for today (10/26)

Scorpio: (Quickie) - End a bad habit -- pat yourself on the back as you take a step in a new direction!

Capricorn: (Quickie) - Today, you need to cut out whatever is holding you back in your life -- clean house.

Capricorn: (Overview) - A little fire in your belly helps you attack a new task with vim and vigor. This astrological influence gives you the ability to really see the long view, which whets your appetite for the current challenge.

Maybe today's the day for that little fire in your belly to come forth?

Papasan said...

Adriane's post brought to mind some highly appropriate lyrics from Mather's favorite band:

"Sometimes we rock and roll/
I'd rather stay at home and/
Build a life/
This heart's on fire/
This heart's on fire/
This heart is on fire"

-Wolf Parade