What was one of the first things she said when we finally got there? "I want to go to new house*. I don't wanna go camping!!!" Ah, two-year-olds.
*We moved six months ago, but to her it's still "new house".
However, she got over it pretty quickly, especially as she saw tents being put together and air mattresses inflated. And her buddy Maddox.
Mather and Maddox enjoy a bubble gun.
The highlight of the weekend was the Sunday hike to "Tiptoe Falls". It hardly qualifies as a waterfall, but it made a lovely lunch destination.
Hiking's easy when someone else carries you.
Mather enjoyed throwing pine cones at the waterfall.
On the way back from Tiptoe Falls, we had to decide whether we wanted to hike back the way we came or take a shortcut that involved fording a river. While Momily and I debated how and whether we wanted to cross, the Goober chimed in: "You can do it Daddy. I want to cross the river. You can do it."
So we did it. I waded through the water carefully, with Magoo, while Momily "shimmied" across the log bridge, Meghan close behind. The water was neither fast nor deep, so the worst danger we were in was damp socks.
So we did it. I waded through the water carefully, with Magoo, while Momily "shimmied" across the log bridge, Meghan close behind. The water was neither fast nor deep, so the worst danger we were in was damp socks.
Momily's technique on display.
Back at camp, we all had fun around the campfire. Momily & Magoo invented a new game, called "Kissy Corn". That, or they're competing for the last bite off the cob.
Back at camp, we all had fun around the campfire. Momily & Magoo invented a new game, called "Kissy Corn". That, or they're competing for the last bite off the cob.
We go on this annual excursion with (mostly) the same crew who go on the President's Day Trip. However, there was a notable absence this time around: Bob and Tina were busy elsewhere. Having their baby! Serena Aurora was born that Friday night, and the camping crew huddled around iPhones to see the new baby photos. We're looking forward to introducing her to her big "cousin" Mather!
I'm not sure about taking Gabriel camping. He's such a weirdo about sleeping.
It helps that we've been taking her since she was so young. And that our pack-and-play can fit in the tent.
comment. so there.
by the way, i love the phrase "kissy-corn."
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