Thursday, June 14, 2007

Conversations with Mather II

Back in January, we posted a video entitled "Conversations with Mather", where we coaxed a bit of murmuring and cooing out of Mather. At the time it was pretty cool. She has a bit more to say now.

Run time - 1:01

This really is a new development -- as of the past four hours. Over the last few months, her vocabulary has certainly grown from those first few murmurs. She grunts, squeals, screams -- just about anything to get attention. But this is distinctly different. For the first time, she's saying "words" with distinctive vowel and consonant sounds (though not really a clear stop and start). We are hearing something like her speaking voice for the first time.

It all started earlier this evening, around 5:30. I was preparing her dinner of green beans, apricots, carrots and sweet potato while she was playing on her mat. From the kitchen I started hearing this repetitive babble unlike anything she had ever said before. The fact that elements are reminiscent of "dada" was not lost on me (especially since all I really wanted for my birthday was for her to say "dada"...). Naturally, I made of point of calling back to her every time she said "dada".

This new conversation was relentless. She kept talking nonstop for about 15 minutes (pausing only rarely to catch her breath) until I finally fed her dinner. Once she was out of her high chair, the babble started up again. She hardly lets me get a word in edgewise!

I'll get that clear "dada" out of her soon enough...


Momily said...

She's clearly got the "da da da" part... what about "ma ma ma ma"?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it did sound like "da da....." to me. You need to start "ma ma"'ing at her, and using her name all the time as it starts with the "ma" sound. This video was great...a real breakthrough, complete with gestures. A few times she looked like she was moving to the sound of her own voice. Very good.

Anonymous said...

Added note: is that Mattie Magoo co-staring in "The Bully" with Lil Chimpy? I think so.

Papasan said...

She went uncredited so that the producers could cheat her out of her royalties.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Love the ending.

Anonymous said...

man, that girl sure wants to talk!