Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tasty Toes

Mather has officially discovered that her feet are a part of her. She's been chewing on her own hands for quite a while now so it is no surprise that she sees her feet as a potential meal. Chow down!

She also asked that I show everyone her new hat! With the sun out, we've got to protect her skin!



Miss Dee said...

Mather is adorable!~ Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I miss her - I'm coming up soon. Nol & Ingrid were happy to see her in the plaid dress they gave her - good color choice for Miss M. Watch out with the feet in her mouth she's ready for Mommy & Me Yoga class.

Owen said...

I am glad to see that things are going great.

Anonymous said...

Feet in mouth? I can't even get my feet in my socks anymore!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Emily, haven't visited for a while, but I'm blown away by those amazing baby blues. Glad to see you guys are all doing so well. Cheers, Joanne