Mather has grown a lot. She was born weighing 7 lbs, 2 oz. - yesterday she tipped the scales at 7 lbs., 15 oz. She has also grown an inch and a half taller.
Mather is beginning to mimic the funny faces that we make at her and she listens attentively when we read to her. She also seems to be smiling with intention (not just on accident!).
I thought I'd share my favorite pictures, one for each week, to celebrate.
Snuggled up for one of her first outings.
Fussing with Papasan.
Thanksgiving milk-coma with Momily.
Happy girl today!
i love that stripey-hoody outfit. and she's still got such tiny feet! happy 4 week (and 1 month tomorrow) ... uh ... birthday mather!
Is it just me or does Mather look like she's up and dancing in that last picture?
It's not just you, Greg. I was suddenly thinking, "I'm siiiiinging in the rain..." when I saw that. So cute!
It look like she is dancing an Irish jig!
The striped hoodie outfit is the best outfit ever.
She looks so Zen in the second picture and so dang cute in the last one.
She's getting cuter each picture.
Already she can dance better than papasan!
just kidding, daniel.
Happy birthmonthday Mather! calloo cally.
why can't i edit this dang thing...
of course it's "calloo callay", with apologies to lewis carroll.
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