Friday, November 03, 2006


Despite the abject failure of the Belizean heat to spark labor, we still let Bob hold the baby when Bob and Tina visited last night.

Mather tried to apply her best peer pressure to convince Bob and Tina to make her a playmate.

I suppose we won't know for a little while if it worked!


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you're letting just anyone come by I want to meet Mather!!! When do I get to meet the little one? (I've only got 1 week until I leave for Africa. . .)

(Just kidding Prolas.)

And that was the cutest picture.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does Bob look like he's thinking, "Gee, you really are cute, but please don't throw up on me."?

Papasan said...

Actually, she pooped on Bob. Unfortanetly, she was too well swaddled/diapered for any of it to leak onto him.

Tina was then my diaper assistant. She's so helpful.

Anonymous said...

(For reasons unknown, I was unable to post a comment to the most recent Mamasan post, alas... I have a friendly website on Nov.1 to recommend....)

Anyway, I got in on THIS blogpage.

FIrstly, how very beautiful and intimately loving are the photos posted of each and every one with little Mather -- but especially of the parents, and most moving, those of Momily...

But to add to Papasan´s postings of importances of November 1st, may I recommend a casual stop at Garrison Keillor's site --
and scroll down to archives for Novembe 1. Cool poem about the marriage bed, as well as interesting poets who share the birthday.

I{m wondering when we will be privileged to meet little Mather... One big pipedream is to plot our return drive from Mexico right through San Francisco (no, not just Baja -- we are way south along the main coast near Zihuatanejo). But we've got a friend sharing the ride with us and he may not be able to make the detour with us....

Meeting Mather is on our minds!!!

love, Grandauntie Savi